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Wholeness & balance begin from the inside out. Americans are suffering. We are suffering because our lives are out of balance. We are burning the candle at both ends. We are working more and taking less time to stop and smell the roses. The side effects are apparent everywhere. Our society is more stressed than ever because we lack confidence in how to move with all this chaos. Mentally many are shutting down and losing their way. We are severely sleep deprived. We feel like we don’t have a choice as to how we spend our time. Due to financial constraints, we lack doing things we are passionate about and may even spend less time with those we love. The greatest skill you can acquire is how to create more balance in your life. There is beauty in balance and opportunity. It is through the practice of MINDFULNESS that things can begin to shift. Being more mindful makes you more in tune and aware of where the obstacles lie that are throwing you out of whack.
Yearning for balance for each one of us is a deeply personal quest. We can be overwhelmed trying to juggle a job and family. We take on too many projects at once. This only creates a “Jack of all trades and a Master of none”. Balance is what keeps everything in our universe in order and in it’s authentic nature. In truth, nothing is separate from us. We need to feel connected to others. Our life weaves in people who have the strengths we desire and at times we are the strength for those who are weak. Balance is there for us to achieve at any given moment. Everything in life goes back to a circle of life or a system that brings you back to “homeostasis”. It is our calling and nature that give us a sense there has to be “something more”. This craving is really a desire to return to the home within. The tools we have been seeking all along on the outside really reside on the inside. By learning to be more fully aware of the ebb and flow of life and how things thrive, you can move through your life accordingly. You can form strategies to deal with obstacles and possibly predict outcomes. You will notice how even the chaos has a unique purpose in bringing in fluidity. So that there is a natural “ebb and flow” to things. You know when to act and when to sit back. As your insights deepen you will begin to understand how divinely orchestrated everything truly is. You can see more clearly as to what paths that you have been on have lead you away from your nature. If you are not aware of how to bring more balance and harmony into play; you may attract the things that create more imbalance.
As living human beings we are amazing! We can create, erase and recreate at any given moment. We can constantly renew ourselves. The great nature of our being seems mystical in essence. There is truly a law and order to almost all things. In order to live fully and in a way that is healthy, we must maintain ourselves. We must be fit to survive and thrive in a world where the demands are relentless. There are a lot of mysteries, but there is also a lot of science to our nature. We are complex organisms and if one system is not functioning fully with the other system; things will break down and eventually fail. The fluidity you enter into when thing shift into balance is called “synergy”. All is working in unison or in full balance.
If we want our bodies to remain in balance we must spend more time eating foods that nourish us and not deplete us. Our emotional bodies must also be cared for. We all seek to feel a sense of inner peace about who we are and what we have become. If we have clarity that is easy to achieve. Exercise is a way we find balance in how we move, but also it triggers us on much deeper cellular levels. We can gain a sense of mastery, symmetry and balance mentally and physically. Our emotions play a key role in our health and how we relate to the world around us. When things are not in balance, our outlook on life may not be so positive. Maintaining a balanced mental outlook even during chaos is possible. So how do we live with a clear, peaceful and stable mind when all this chaos directly impacts our entire well-being?
We have to shift our perspective and pay attention more to our mental outlook on life and people. We will always have the storms in our life. One thing that is clear is that change is inevitable. It’s knowing that once the storm has passed that you can find the calmness of a river. Your role is to remain adaptable and fluid regardless of all that is going on or to anchor in order to not get caught up in the storm. Clearly, chaos will send anyone into imbalance if they lack a strong foundation. This is the importance of building one. By practicing meditation, exercising and doing centering techniques through breathwork or yoga, you will quickly begin to know your own inner guru. This will be your anchor. In the long run, you will gain not only great insights, but some solid mental muscle. This will give you the ability to remain focused.
Some ways you can cultivate more balance and bring more fluidity into your life is to:
- Take a yoga class and tune into your body and mind.Look for your own inner wisdom.
- Develop & trust your own instincts and intuition.
- Observe how you move through life and patterns that create imbalance and balance.
- Pay attention to your attitudes and intentions and how you react to others.
- Discover what is authentic for you and feels right, true & purposeful.
At the beginning of each season, it is a great time to practice setting your intentions and goals. Decide consciously where in your life you want to invite change. Where there is imbalance there is also an opportunity to explore new ways, patterns, horizons or to let go and start new. The beauty of balance is you can be your own maestro. Be creative by writing down and exploring new strategies, ideas and situations with a new eye. The best place to begin is with yourself. Start with this moment. Where you are now and where you hope to go…keeping an open mind that the plan may not be exact! When things are in balance, it’s amazing how the path before you becomes clear and you can move with more grace and ease.