I’m blessed and honored to announce that I’ve been chosen as the 2016 Honor Graduate by the ISSA and DEAC! I didn’t really know the magnitude of the award until I was informed that there are over 250,000 students within the ISSA and over 1.5 million individuals collectively via 50+ schools that are accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission.
My speech focused on never living in fear of the opinions of others. Get educated. Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to transform lives and as Nelson Mandela quoted, “to change the world!l” I am a teacher and an educator on how to be fit so you feel stable, strong and peaceful. Being recognized by the ISSA at the 90th Anniversary of DEAC is an extraordinary honor. It’s great to be viewed as a light and a leader in distance education and higher learning.”
I was featured on the Conference Cover for the brochure!