“Gratitude brings Abundance & Complaining brings Poverty”
There is an amazing grace in Gratitude. It is healing force. I have seen how it works miraculously in my life. Giving thanks and appreciation has opened many doors for me. This is not about being fake and acting thankful when you truly are not. I am speaking of a sincere heart-felt focus on gratitude for the things and people in your life that you truly are thankful for. There if a difference. The more you focus on the positive the less weight the negatives have and you never have to compromise your authentic feelings and integrity to practice gratitude. It will instantly take a negative and turn it into a positive.
You are meant to experience life to its fullest potential and have all you want. It is your birthright to be filled with positive feelings. Love, joy, vitality, excitement and abundance are there when we are born. We lose it because we allow our experience to frame our emotions. We think that love is suppose to look and be like this and abundance means that. Rather than honor our higher emotions and spend more time dwelling in the light of them, we choose to focus on the negatives. The angry, bitterness, regrets, hopeless, depressed and joyless emotions that make us feel unfulfilled. The reason is because we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel until we arrive there. Then we have our “aha” moments where there is clarity. We realize that all the bad are a divine orchestration of what was to come.
We can look back at our lives and recognize that so many valuable lessons were learned through our personal growth and development. Some of the let downs made us stronger. Some of the people who hurt us made us wiser. What we learn overtime are the whys and how these experiences shape us. We can choose to ignore all of this and walk blindly through our lives or wake up to the possibilities becoming more mindful of our experiences. The world around us is a rich playful adventure rather than a dark trip through the woods. We do have a choice to broaden our perspective and cultivate a more positive outlook. Choose your medicine or choose your poison. If you choose poison you can’t blame anyone, but yourself. Negativity is nothing but poison for the body, mind and soul. It is the cancer. There is a time when you start to wake up a realize that even though you thought you escaped one situation it is repeating itself again. It can be confusing because you believe you had changed. You believed you escaped yourself once again. But, until you get those glasses on and start reading the sign posts along the way, you will notice that those detours you felt were a part of your bad fortune led you to the path you belong on now. They were telling you something and they may know where you belong better than you do. This is where the GRACE comes in and you must remain steady and at ease with a shift in your position and possibly your plans. So be grateful for them. If you kept winding up on the same road again, even if it looked different at first, just recognize something within you has remained unawaken and unresolved. It takes a little disaster or shaking up to shift some things. That’s why some hot vigorous practices like HOT VINYASA can be good for the body, mind and soul. It ignites the fire and at the same time cools down the heat with SHAVASANA at the end. This all awakens and ignites the spirit within so that you can break down the things within that are distracting you from living your full potential. Whether you do yoga or not, you can appreciate the hard lessons we learn during some of the most challenging times in our life. We get to know our own strength. What we don’t appreciate is when we feel victimized.
No matter what abuse we endure, we also have an option to regain our power and do something great with our lives to serve others or dwell on the experience feeling our life was taken away and we are hopeless. Feelings of depression and defeat leave us in an unproductive dark place. Why would we choose to stay there. We always have the option to climb our way back up. No one gives you the WILL. This is not something you go to OZ or Yoga class to get, this is a decision you make. You decide I am going to have WILL POWER TODAY AND HONOR IT. We feel we have no control over our life and this is the great concept of Surrender. We realize VERY LITTLE IS REALLY UNDER OUR CONTROL, yes really, accept it – not even our own bodies. For a control freak this is as big as a natural disaster. This will awaken and trigger someone trying to control their own grace in a big way. Just the thought of this can create enormous anxiety in those who believe they can manipulate everything around them if they do x, y, z. Can you imagine the drive it takes to be so in control all the time!? So why do we spend so much time trying to control? When really it is in the surrendar we accept what is and work with it accordingly. We can allow these experiences to get the best of us or we can grow richer from them. Each one of us determines how rich we want to feel. We can make it an issue of finances or we can find a deep wealth within. That pot of Gold you have been looking for his right there within you. If we put a form on everything and expect things to look like this or that and not as it is or ended up, we risk never being happy. How many things did you plan that didn’t end up or go that way? We have to be thanksful for our power of choices when we do have them. When things don’t work out for us there is a lesson to be learned and even our enemies in that moment become our teachers. Rather than beat the teacher down with name calling lift them up and ask yourself, “what did this (BLEEP) teach me?” There is a big lesson in the fact that teacher could get a reaction out of you. Study your reactions to things to really learn where you are at in your own spiritual and personal development. When you come from a place of compassion and love you can hear how other people feel or let them treat you unjust without reacting with emotional drama. You can see when a mistake is made or there is a misunderstanding happens and simply shift gears and move on. It’s when we hang on to it and go on and on and on about it we become victims and lose our sense of gratitude. I always trust when something changes, even if at the moment I wish so badly it didn’t happen, that something new is coming my way that this thing has to be cleared out for. I haven’t been wrong in this assumption yet! You have a choice to look at every moment as a stepping stone, test of your faith and an opportunity to grow stronger, wiser and better. Sometimes others reject you because they see something in you that you may need to look more honestly at yourself. That rejection is teaching you where you put too little or too much energy, where you are still unskilled and need more training, where you are closed and need to be more open. Why would you choose to name call, blame, bitch, complain and be victimized over the power of recognizing the GRACE & HEALING in this opportunity that has presented itself to you. There is always an opportunity in change especially when you welcome it with open arms and have a sense of true appreciation for it. You gain power when you do not let people and situations defeat you, you have to know yourself and your life well, trusting it to be another win for you, even when it looks like a loss! This is real mastery and it does take practice. It is good to meditate, reflect and pray on these things so you stay grounded and remain positive with your perspective.
This Thanksgiving, I hope you woke up as I did today filled with excitement. Looking back at the past I appreciate where I am. Did you find the laughter and joy even in your own ways and actions throughout the day? Was there a place you brought healing with your words of love, wisdom, compassion and regard? Were you a taker or a giver? If you can bring a sense of play into a setting full of people that trigger you even more power to you! Can you laugh at yourself and the mistakes you made seeing the innocence and destructiveness in them? When you get to a healthy place, you can do all of this with ease. You don’t fall or waiver just because the wind does or people in the room are wacky! When you can walk in and stay in remaining centered you have won the battle within. It’s a great diffuser of anger and pain when you bring stability with your non-reactivity and substitute negative feelings with feelings of love, joy and comfort for yourself and others. Today, I missed some people who would normally be here with me at this time and who will never be here again. They have passed on. Thanksgiving is different. I can choose to dwell on the void or I can fill the void by inviting love in. I choose to create some new family by inviting friends and sharing it with those available to receive. I choose to go where I am welcome. I enjoy giving. It fills my pot up. Sharing my home, serving food, creating a place that feels warm and safe is something I do to appreciate those I care about. It makes me sad to have heard from some others that they feel so unresolved with their families enough to take a stance to not spend time with them. Family dramas are a challenge, yes – and I have lived my share of them- but, when you get strong within your core being – there is enough love & acceptance of others to dispel even that negative energy. Learn to take people lightly and focus on their positives as well. I am sure you can come up with some positive attributes to focus on. Recognize the big tests – Do you run or do you love? I hope you recognize the message I have for you here. Just know that a great healer dwells in you. All of you. You don’t have to go to a healing workshop, meditate, do yoga or be the next Christ or Guru, you just have to do what you are meant to do and that is love. Be grateful for those who have loved you unconditionally through your good and bad. We all let eachother down, we all disappoint eachother at times, but it’s so wonderful when we come to a place of resolution. You must do what you can do to make yourself feel good and value others the way you want to be valued. Because in the mirror you will find the same person you are holding in judgement. So as Thanksgiving comes to a close, take a moment to feel victorious. Maybe it’s because you did not let the triggers win or you did something out of your comfort zone to serve another just by showing up. You are meant to be happy so do more to create it. Whenever you see someone in a place of complaint just know they are poor in spirit. Keep your spirit rich and alive with gratitude, it’s an amazing neutralizing force that will bring the darkness to light.
Magical Ways Out of Negativity * from the book the Magic
1. Count Your Blessings
2. Choose one situation you want to resolve
3. List 10 things that you are grateful for about the negative situation and at the end of your list, write: Thank you 3x for the perfect resolution
4. Try to get through one day without saying anything negative, when you go there, shift into something you are grateful for instead.
5. Before bed think of something that happened during the day you are especially grateful for.
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Michelle Johnson is a Transformation & Personal Development Coach who believes in whole health. The body, mind and spirit are one and can not be treated separately. She is a national authority as a fitness professional, published writer in national magazines, speaker and professional athlete. She is certified in many fitness modalities and holds a 300 hr. Yoga & Ayurveda Certification and is registered with the Yoga Alliance. She is a light worker certified in energy balancing, meditation, breath work, Reiki and healing with Archangel Michael from the Indigo Light Institute. Sessions are handled by Skype, phone or in person.
The Power & The Magic by Rhonda Byrne
Living With Joy by Sanaya Roman