When the student is ready the teacher arrives! When people
come to me I know there is no coincidence, but that there is
a reason we are connecting.
There is some strength in me
they see and they are hoping I can give it to them. However,
sometimes their fear of me relates to their own issues with
their personal empowerment and how uncomfortable it is for
them to take the reigns in their life. That thought alone can
be very threatening to people. They must be accountable.
The hardest part even with weight loss or changing mentally
is accountability. This is where blame sets in. Instead of
Those who challenge you in your life are sometimes your
greatest teachers and have something about them that really
triggers you on innate levels. Instead of running from that,
embrace it and discover what lies beneath that person and
the gift they may have for you….
The mission of my michellefitness.com site is to inspire you
to want to be your personal best. You will receive precise
direction on how you can become and live whatever you
dream. The Body is a powerful vehicle, your mind is your
tool and it must be strengthened in order for the body to
be driven. This is not just about your body, but about your
overall health & well being. When you and your body are
in balance, you are in a place of homeostasis and with that
comes a lot of great gifts such as:
Weight Loss
Aging better
Better body balance
Less injuries
Beautiful glowing skin,
High energy
My teachings within these programs and systems will help
you find and develop resources within yourself that will
enrich your life and ensure you feel you have what you need
within you and what resources are available outside you to
achieve whatever it is you have in mind. This not only leads
to great physical health, but also spiritual awareness and
how the mind and body connect in a much greater way than
one can sometimes imagine.
My programs combine the advice of many experts in the
industry, books and programs. I am not an originator of
these, but someone who has creatively weaved them into
systems that are practical, healthy and streamlined for you.
I have developed logical nutrition & exercise systems that
have been proven to be high effective, measurable and are
results driven. You can be at any level to begin working
with me. These programs are for those who want to make
changes in their life and remove the obstacles that keep
them stuck.
The Transformation Therapies/Life Coaching Program
address core issues that may hold you back from something you wish to
obtain. Doing this with me can be a secret weapon for you
ongoing due to how quickly clients become mindful and
make changes.
The Accelerator Program will ensure that
lose bodyfat and gain lean muscle. The Competition Prep
Program gives you a goal and a finishing line in order to
keep you driven and your motivational levels high. This will
bring out a competitive nature within you that will make you
want to push yourself.
I never suggest starting when you feel “ready” or it is
the “ideal time”. This is what causes procrastination and
holding you back from just simply getting started and seeing
what the road ahead has for you. If I waited for that point
in my life, I would not of had a daughter, become a yoga
teacher, owned a business or every stepped on stage to
compete. Let’s face it is does there always have to be a
perfect time to achieve success. Most things in life that are
good happen when we least expect it, right?
You do not have to train with me or ever meet with me in
person, you can still receive the information and program
you need virtually. Clients receive the same results
regardless. You will overcome what you think are obstacles
and continue to get results. You will learn how important it
is to finish what you start and not allow yourself to quit. No
matter where you are in the world, there is a program on this
site that can be set up for you. The programs begin from
where you are at mentally and physically and evolve with
your progress. Today’s times are busy for us all whether
we are parents or working hard. Your schedule and lifestyle
are considered. When it comes to my Weight Management
Systems you may buy some supplements to support your
program, but overall you will never buy prepackaged foods,
diet pills or gimmicks.
Everything is put into place that you need to ensure you
reach your goals in the shortest period of time. No more
excuses. Leave it to me to guarantee your success! Please
take a moment to read https://michellefitness.com/my-story/
and see if you can relate to me and how I may be able to
relate to you. My life is how I developed a survivor mentality.
Instead of letting life wear me down I became stronger. I
used my obstacles as building blocks that taught me how
to better manage my body and mind. This has all lead me to
a very full and interesting life with no regrets. The obstacles
in my life set me up for who I am today and a great deal of
This artlcie is a home run, pure and simple!