Here are somethings you can do to ensure greater success:
1. Remove all temptation. In terms of weight management – develop a ZERO tolerance and remove all the temptations in the house. Cookies, candy, chips, cakes – trigger foods. This will ensure you are not zeroing in on things that will only weaken your efforts. Avoid situations that invite trouble if you know your weakness and genuinely want to change it. Again, you have to want to improve yourself…
2. Let go of one foot in and one foot out thinking. Rationalizing comes with this. It’s easy to stay on track with your goal one day and not the next and justify your hard work as a time to reward yourself with a temptation. This is like conditioning your kids to eat candy when they have been good and got a good grade. This goes into the subconscious and later in life they associate candy as a comfort food.
3. Keep your GLUCOSE levels stable. This keeps your body and mind fit since glucose effects both. If you don’t eat every 2.5-3 hours you may buckle. The problem is that your sugar levels drop and when you have low sugar levels, you are set up for cravings & binging. You also feel depressed so you want to eat or drink something that makes you feel good like chocolate or alcohol. This is a catch 22 of course, since it takes “DISCIPLINE” to avoid sugary foods that you will want when your blood sugar drops. Ideally, eating a protein snack will curb that and balance out your glucose levels instantly.
4. Learn to manage your stress and anxiety levels better. This is huge for those seeking weight management or avoiding any addiction. When we are stressed or down our desire for the temptation intensifies. This is when we are in a danger zone. It’s important that you find positive outlets to replace the negative ones with so you can have a positive chemical reaction in your body that uplifts you and neutralizes the stress we all have in our life. Create a balance by working in some of your bucket list ideas. Stress management is not just yoga and meditation, it means TIME MANAGEMENT and balancing reality with illusion. Keeping perspective about changing the things you can and accepting the things that you can not change.
5. It’s very important to have an organized plan. Write down your goals and give yourself a deadline or have something you are working towards, even if just a reward. This is a great way to keep you going. It is good to also be held accountable by someone for follow through. when you are aware and measuring your progress based on timelines, you are more likely to push yourself. You can see where you are in need of more of a push and where some of the obstacles are. You can also see how well you are doing on the flip side and this positive reinforcement will keep you trudging along.